Apresentação LAB Experience:
LAB Experience offer pragmatic advice, intelligent strategy and sustainable solutions to help organizations to improve customer care and customer experience efficiency, increase customer satisfaction and deliver higher returns on investment. LAB Experience apply the highest industry standards and KPIs, bring people up to speed, redesign business processes, analyze and ensure that technology is adequate, well structured, properly configured and up-to date. LAB Experience truly believes that only through People Experience and People Centricity organizations can aim the Excellence.
Apresentação Ladislau Batalha:
Ladislau Batalha is the founder and Managing Director at LAB Experience. He is Senior executive with a 20+ solid international career developed in multinational companies, with significant achievements working in Customer Experience, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Care and Remote Sales (Telemarketing, Websales and Service to Sales). Entrepreneurial, proactive, creative and result-oriented with a long history of success in restructuring initiatives, building customer care support systems and processing optimization, conducted in Europe, the Middle East and South America. Considerable experience working in global and multicultural environments. Significant and relevant experience across several industries: Telecom, Banks, Insurance, Retail, Hospitality and Fintech. Extensive experience driving and implementing selfcare and automation strategies (chat, mail, site, IVR, smartphones) at Etisalat, T-Mobile International, ZON, Vodafone, Nextel and Teleperformance. Several individual and services awards in different categories and countries. Highlighting the World’s Best Sales Service and the Best Customer Service in Europe and the World and Industry Champion in Brazil and Portugal by the ContactCenterWorld Association.